Missions-11x6_edited-1General Philosophy

We believe that our missions impact is greater by concentrating on a particular area of the world, namely Latin America. Remaining in this hemisphere affords us many advantages, particularly as a small church.

Pastoral Training

Spanish Version     –    English Version

Mexican Pastors

Fall Conference 2016!

We are excited about training our Mexican partner pastors in Oaxaca State to better preach and teach God’s word. Meet some of the pastors and see what they have to say.

David Alberto Taylor Pena   Felix   Fernando Francisco Miguel Martinez Quiroz   Geminiano   Jim McCartyIsaac and Carla Contreras  Jose Antonio Cruz PerezJosias Luna Cruz   Juan Carlos Perez Mejia   Nelson Medina GarciaRuben Sanchez Lopez   Rolando 2    SamwelSaul Lopez Ruiz   Tito Lopez Diaz   Wilbert Bartolon RobleroWilson Zacarias Antonio


leadership resources logo

We have teamed up with Leadership Resources in the training up of current and future leaders in gospel ministry around the world. http://www.leadershipresources.org

The_Seed_CompanyRolando Talin’s hometown – He is working on translating the Old Testament into his heart  language, Zapotec. https://theseedcompany.org/projects/zapoteco-del-istmo